Curriculum Presentations:
Basics of Air Quality, Emissions Standards, and Environmental Regulations
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Monitoring and Modeling of Traffic Related Air Pollution
Introduction to Traffic Monitoring and Modeling
- 1. Transportation and land-use planning
- 2. Traffic measurement methods and data sources
- 3. Traffic modeling methods and data sources
Introduction to Traffic Emissions Monitoring and Modeling
Introduction to Air Pollution Monitoring and Modeling
- 1. Air pollution measurement methods and data sources
- 2. Air pollution dispersion modeling methods and data sources
- 3. Photochemical modeling methods and data sources (coming soon!)
Exposure Assessment of Traffic-Related Air Pollution
Introduction to Air Pollution Exposure Assessment
Air Pollution Exposure Assessment Methods
- 1. Air pollution dispersion modeling
- 2. Land-use regression modeling
- 3. Exposure surrogates
- 4. Personal monitoring in exposure assessment and the contribution of traffic
- 5. Source apportionment and micro-environmental exposures (coming soon!)
Health Impacts of Traffic-Related Air Pollution
Epidemiological Studies, Designs, and Need for Exposure Indices
Evidence of the Effects of Traffic-Related Air Pollution Exposure on Human Health
- 1. Effects of traffic-related air pollution on human health—well-established evidence
- 2. Effects of traffic-related air pollution on human health—emerging evidence
- 3. Effects of traffic-related air pollution on human health—toxicological and mechanistic evidence
- 4. Transferability of toxicological evidence and human relevance (coming soon!)
- 5. Biomarkers including OMICS (genomics, proteomics, or metabolomics) of health effects associated with traffic-related air pollution (coming soon!)
- 6. Sensitive subpopulations (children, the elderly, the ill, and lower socioeconomic classes) and differential health effects in sensitive subpopulations

Health Impact and Burden of Disease Assessment
- 1. Qualitative health impact assessment
- 2. Quantitative health impact and burden of disease assessment
- 3. Undertaking health impact and burden of disease assessment of traffic-related air pollution—Part 1
- 4. Undertaking health impact and burden of disease assessment of traffic-related air pollution—Part 2
- 5. Reducing the impacts of traffic-related air pollution on health in policy and decision making
- 6. Differential burden of disease of traffic-related air pollution in sensitive sub-populations (coming soon!)

Policies, Technologies, and Mitigation Approaches
Policies, Strategies, and Effectiveness
- 1. Transportation decision making — overview and process
- 2. Transportation decision making — tools and methods
- 3. Option generation and policy selection
- 4. Option generation tools
- 5. Cost-effectiveness calculations and feasibility of policies (coming soon!)
- 6. Policies to mitigate traffic-related emissions
- 7. Policies to mitigate traffic-related air pollution (coming soon!)
- 8. Policies to mitigate traffic-related air pollution exposures (coming soon!)
- 9. Overlap with sustainable transportation and built environment policies (coming soon)
- 10. Barriers and facilitators (coming soon!)
- 11. Co-benefits

Emerging Technologies, Disruptors, and Market Solutions
- 1. Alternative and emerging technologies — connected and automated vehicles
- 2. Alternative and emerging technologies — shared mobility
- 3. Alternative and emerging technologies — zero and near-zero emission vehicles
- 4. Alternative and emerging fuels
- 5. Implications to environmental justice
- 6. Market solutions (coming soon!)
- 7. Concluding inspirational talk—How do we make health a priority?

Haneen Khreis, Texas A&M Transportation Institute
Project Information:
Phase I Start Date: September 1, 2017
Phase I End Date: November 31, 2019
Status: Completed
Phase II Start Date: November 31, 2019
Phase II End Date: March 31, 2021
Status: Active
Grant Number: 69A3551747128
Source Organization: CARTEEH UTC
Project Number: 608101-00502
CARTEEH Focus Area:
Transportation Systems
Emissions and Energy Estimation
Exposure and Health Impacts
Policy and Decision Making
Data Integration
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
University Transportation Centers Program
Department of Transportation
Washington, DC 20590 United States
Performing Organization:
Texas A&M Transportation Institute
Texas A&M University System
1111 RELLIS PARKWAY, Bryan, TX 77807