Michael Berube, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Sustainable Transportation and Fuels, was TTI’s guest on the latest episode of Thinking Transportation, “Lofty Ambitions Are Fueling the Move Toward Sustainable Transportation. Mr. Berube oversees the Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy’s Vehicle, Bioenergy, and Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies offices in the U.S. Department of Energy, as well as the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation. Mr. Berube was also the keynote speaker for CARTEEH’s Clean Transportation Collaborative (CTC) virtual kick-off event on April 13, 2022, where he presented on Decarbonizing the Transportation Sector. Click here to listen to the episode and click here to see more about CTC events.

CARTEEH’s Deputy Director, Tara Ramani, was also recently featured on TTI’s Thinking Transportation podcast. Check out the episode titled “Charging Ahead: How the Electrified Mobility Collaborative envisions a radical shift” here.