This seminar will overview the state-of-the-art knowledge on exposure assessment methodologies in environmental epidemiologic studies and the recent accumulating knowledge on the health effects of traffic-related air pollution. New methodologies including geographic information systems, modeling, personal sensoring, remote sensing, and OMICs technologies will be presented.
Future research needs will be overviewed. Recent work quantifying the burden of disease attributable to traffic-related air pollution exposures at a population level will be reviewed. The presentation will conclude with policy implications and potential solutions to mitigate traffic-related air pollution at the urban scale.
Mark Nieuwenhuijsen Ph.D. is an expert in the exposure assessment, epidemiology and health impact assessment of air pollution, particularly traffic-related air pollution. He has conducted studies in Europe, U.S. and Australia on the topic and published numerous papers. He has developed novel technologies including GIS based modeling methods, remote sensing and personal sensing to assess the air pollution levels at residential, work and study locations and during commuting.
In his latest studies he uses smartphones, apps and sensors to continuously measure personal air pollution levels. His work led to new insights in air pollution levels during commuting. He used large scale air dispersion and land use regression modeling for exposure assessments in multiple epidemiological and health impact assessment studies. He has been involved and led multiple epidemiological studies of air pollution and health which have provided new insights in the relationships between (traffic-related) air pollution and numerous health outcomes. He applies OMICs technologies to explore fingerprints and underlying mechanisms of air pollution health effects using the novel exposome concept. He leads the field in examining the interactions between physical activity and air pollution and effects on health.
He has led and been part of multiple health impact assessment studies demonstrating and costing the large impacts of air pollution on health. Some prominent projects he has been or is involved in are:
- Spanish funding ARIBA
- EC funded ESCAPE (http://www.escapeproject.eu/)
- PASTA (http://www.pastaproject.eu/home/)
- HELIX (http://www.projecthelix.eu/)
- EXPOsOMICS (http://www.exposomicsproject.eu/)
- CITISENSE (http://citi-sense.eu/)
- TAPAS (http://www.tapas-program.org/)
- The Global Burden of Disease (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0140673615001282)
- UTOPHIA (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5226698/)
He has (co) edited three books and (co) authored over 350 peer reviewed papers to date.
Research Professor in Environmental Epidemiology ISGlobal, Barcelona Institute for Global Health