-Using alternative fuels such as ethanol or biodiesel
-Freight-specific idling reduction strategies such as a weigh station bypass or weigh-in-motion (WIM) devices
-Maximizing shipping efficiency by shipping full containers of cargo
-Intermodal freight transportation networks with trucks, trains, ships, and air travel
-Incorporating new vehicle technologies such as diesel engine retrofits
How it Helps
The federal government can provide incentives for states to implement diesel retrofit programs. For example, under the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act Program (DERA), the EPA was given the authority to distribute grants and loans to promote diesel emission reductions.3
Equity Impacts:
Actions to implement a cleaner freight can have positive outcomes on populations who live near major roadways or railroad tracks that is frequently used for freight delivery. Proximity to major roadways can be used as an indicator to measure the health or environmental impact of reducing diesel emissions.
1) Texas Emissions Reduction Plan (TERP)
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s TERP program provides financial incentives to eligible recipients to retrofit outdated diesel equipment and reduce emissions.
2) Port of New York and New Jersey’s Truck Replacement Program
The Port of New York and New Jersey’s Truck Replacement Program (TRP) provides a financial incentive to qualifying applicants to replace outdated diesel engines with newer EPA emissions-compliant models.
3) ‘The Magic School Bus Gets Cleaned Up’ Book
The EPA collaborated with the popular ‘Magic School Bus’ book series to create a new children’s book ‘The Magic School Bus Gets Cleaned Up’. This book teaches children how diesel exhaust from their own school bus can contribute to pollution, as well as how idling reduction strategies can reduce emissions. At the end of the book, a retrofit device is installed on the Magic School Bus.