How it Helps
In order for a Safe Routes to School program to work, people in the community must come together to enact these plans in their city and neighborhood.3 Broad participation at the local level is extremely important for this strategy to be successful. Different communities will require different individuals and groups to be involved; for example, potential members of the coalition could include members of the school district, prominent community members and groups, as well as representatives from the local government.
To begin implementing a Safe Routes to School program, the community must first hold a kickoff meeting that establishes the program’s purpose and goals.3 Next, the coalition should identify issues (such as key neighborhoods to focus on), develop potential solutions, secure funding, and act on a plan. Finally, the program’s results should be thoroughly evaluated, and any necessary changes should be made.
1) Texas Safe Routes to School Program Guidance by TxDOT
The Texas Department of Transportation offers an online manual that gives guidance and instructions on how to properly implement a Safe Routes to School program in Texas. It further clarifies the differences between an infrastructure program and a non-infrastructure program.